Special needs adoption from a Jewish perspective.

Special needs adoption from a Jewish perspective.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Special needs in the IDF

Thank you to my online friend Hevel for this link today.

Only in Israel are there programs in place to specifically enable people with physical, mental and developmental disabilities to contribute to the armed forces, in very real capacities, to the fullest extent of their capabilities, including an officers' course for the physically challenged!  Especially given the central role of the IDF in Israeli society, this is huge!  Although people with medical and other special needs are exempt from duty, being permitted to voluntarily enlist for service allows them to participate fully in society, instead of being left out.  This is true tzedakah.

Man, I love Israel!

1 comment:

  1. I am grateful that my children will have an opportunity to serve. As a matter of fact, I enjoy the fact that as an oleh with disabilities I will get to serve.


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