Special needs adoption from a Jewish perspective.

Special needs adoption from a Jewish perspective.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Amidah - part 7 - Redemption

What does the Amidah say about Redemption?

O behold our affliction and wage our battle; redeem us speedily for the sake of Your Name, for You G‑d are the mighty redeemer. Blessed are You L-rd, Redeemer of Israel.

 All G*d needs to do is to see our affliction -- remember slavery in Egypt? -- and He is sure to wage our battle.  No need to whine about it. No need for pity-parties, going into detail about how miserable we are.  He knows. Trusting in His might is half the battle right there.

Now turn this around.  We are created in G*d's image, right?  So....

O behold our affliction and wage our battle; redeem us speedily for the sake of G*d's Name

Whose affliction are we beholding -- or avoiding?
Whose battle are we waging -- or cowering from?
How speedily are we redeeming the afflicted?

Not for our glory or benefit, but for the sake of G*d's name.

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